Stellar Advice for Getting a Job in Web Design

2016 was a banner year for live events at Gymnasium. We talked to web design thought leaders Stephanie Hay, Jeffrey Zeldman, Eric Meyer, Aaron Gustfason, Ethan Marcotte, Karen McGrane, Erin Young, and more. We were thrilled to hear their thoughts on trends and best practices in prototyping, UX, UI, design standards, responsive web design, and writing for the web.

By the end of the year we had five awesome videos to share, and while we are very pleased that thousands of viewers saw the live events, and even more viewed the recordings, we could not help ourselves but to create one more.

As it happens, Jeremy Osborn, our event host and Gymnasium’s Academic Director, asked several of our guests to share advice for folks looking for their next job in web design. This video is a compilation of what they told us.

We hope you enjoy it. Stay tuned for more exciting events in 2017.

Stellar Advice for Getting a Job in Web Design was originally published in Gymnasium on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.